New York City prides itself as one of the most diverse cities in the world. According to the 2010 census, there are 44% Caucasians (White), 25.5% African Americans, 28.6 % Hispanics, 12.7 % Asians and 0.7 %Native Indians living in New York City. However, this racial demography is a broad stroke of the diverse mix of people in the city.
If we consider the subgroups within each race and ethnic cultures, the demographic makes for a very colorful pie-chart. For example, out of the 12.7% Asian people in New York City, 2.4% are South East Asian which includes people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. The rest of the Asian population are 6.0% Chinese, 0.8% Filipino, 0.3 Japanese, 1.2% Korean, o.2% Vietnamese and 1.9% of ‘Other Asians.’ However, no matter how vibrant the pie-chart, the reality is the colors do not always overlap and bleed into each other.
Regardless of the proclaimed diversity, the city of New York is quite segregated. Not only is there little interaction between these diverse communities, in some cases, there is also even a subtle racial and cultural tension.
The purpose of the paper is to search for opportunities to reconcile the racial and class tension that underlies the City of New York.